Sunday, 23 December 2012

Barcelona Inspired Weaving

Above is a picture of my favourite samples. I had quite a few favourites but these are the ones I was most impressed with. The shapes and balance of colour as well as their hand was undeniably lovely to touch made with a viscose multicoloured warp in three different sections. Mainly loose weft satin and a circle design I came up with myself. Sometimes with my weaving plans I find it a hit and miss game with how I work out in my mind what the final result is actually going to look like. However, I L.O.V.E the colours I have used in this project. Compared to previous projects I have done this colour choice is very unusual and different for me as I normally stick to using more earthy colours. This project gave me a breath of fresh air, exactly how the trip to Barcelona went during the Summer. An inspirational place to say the least!    

My mood board and Concept Board are above. As I mentioned previously I was inspired mainly by the Catalan architecture and plant-life in Barcelona, the bright yet subtle colours Gaudi uses in his work to create suggestions of abstracted nature and movement of what happens around us. Then developing that feeling into a fashion fabric for Spring/Summer 2013, which I found very exciting! I just wanted to keep making more designs; sadly to say my time towards the end of this project ran out very quickly. Below are my books and more samples. I tried to take my main inspirations and create my own idea of movements of nature and architecture. (Another thing which I would try to leave more time for is my sketchbook as I enjoy doing that part quite a lot). 

Overall I would say I definitely spent a lot of time on this project but it was well worth it. I wish I could have spent more time creating fabrics! Lots was learnt from the experimentation of my first warp to my more developed final planned warp. My experimentation was with bleach and silk paints and using Raffia as yarn (anyone who knows me knows I love to incorporate actual natural substances in my designs). However I didn't take it forward but maybe I will for my next project, who knows. This project has expanded my knowledge and understanding about the mechanics of a loom and what does what, how big a design actually comes out, what certain shafts do when pulled through a different way, more knowledge of understanding what a Pegplan can do for designs. Complex beginning; hopefully I will be able to grasp the next project with a more confident approach to planning so I have more time to create.

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Weave Test

I have not posted much since the end of summer. Will try to take more pictures of my Uni work and post them up here. Recently finished the dreadful warping up process. I made so many mistakes and so many ends still keep breaking. The project at the moment is colour and weave effects, (pics to come soon).

I have been so busy since the start of Uni so here is a picture for the meantime of something i am working on at the moment;

A test sample. I tried to make a slight checkered pattern with this one, which was not the origional test. I painted on the warp threads a pattern before weaving it by hand to see if the pattern would show. If you slightly squint your eyes you can sort of see the spiraly black image. Think i am going to make this piece into a purse. Still debating it as i like when it is spread out. I was folding it in different ways the other day and wrapped it round my phone. My phone looked really cosy! Might try making some phone socks. This piece feels so soft and smooth, it is a delight to touch.  

Friday, 20 July 2012

Barcelona Bag

I made this bag mainly to use as my hand luggage for my holidays in Barcelona with my boyfriend Sean. I love the fabric on this bag especially the orangey, green patterned upholstery fabric from an old sofa my mum had. Along with other fabrics I got from Libertys in London and some patchwork fabric from Mandors in Glasgow (this screamed patchwork me together!). My first attempt at patch-working fabrics together for a bag. It was quite hard trying to understand how to patch them together. Next time will sew them more strategically together. I love this bag, it makes me feel like I am in another country by just looking at it.

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Every Cloud has a silver lining. I find the front of this purse fascinating and it definitely reminds me of purpley blue storm clouds crashing together in the sky forming a strong bold contrast. Even though it can be quite depressing when it is raining and stormy; there is that moment when the clouds boom together giving you that feeling of excitement and for the fortunate people who are inside during that moment a satisfaction of warmth of contentment which is portrayed in the raffia and the silver threads henceforth; Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining. The Rain will soon stop. The clouds will soon move. And there soon will be a ray of sunshine at some point.

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Hand-Woven Mat/Art Piece

I made this lovely mat piece for my Uncle and Aunts silver wedding anniversary. Took me forever to weave and come up with the design of what yarns to put next and how I wanted it to look but I think its a sensational piece. I'm very happy with this design as it took me ages to make! Absolutely love the varied textures and the colour balance is just right with feathers trapped between the raffia which I did zig-zag sewing on the machine with orange coloured machine thread which adds to the textural quality of this piece. I originally designed this to be a Mat however its a very unfunctional precious mat as you cant wash it and its quite delicate. My Uncle and Aunt saw it as an Art piece and were placing it on the wall and I thought "Hey! I never thought of it like that!" But from thinking that and seeing a different perspective of my piece it does look rather good on the wall. Delighted that they loved it!!  

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Purpley Orange Purse

This purse didn't take me that long to make. Though I did keep putting it at the back of the pile because I didn't really know how to join it so it fastens like a purse. I backed this purse up with cardboard so it was firmer, and used lots of different textural yarns from soft and fluffy to the straw like raffia (one of my favourite mediums to use). This is a strong focal point of this particular purse. It stands out because of the colour and shape, its very eye catching and makes you want to touch it to see how it feels. Though I put it off, this purse is definitely growing on me. I love the colour!!

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Nature Purse

My favorite woven purse i made so far. Love the bold bright colours mixed with the greys. The texture and feel of this purse is lovely. Amazing that the grey, black and white parts used to be a scarf which i didn't want anymore. up-cycling definitely works for this purse.   

I think the colours for this purse are definitely inspired by nature. The foresty greens, browns and yellows of the ground; slowly mellowing out with the blue, grey and white cloudy colours of the sky.

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Summer Bag

A summery printed bag with embroidery on. Took me a while to make but hopefully every stitch was worth it. I love it against the tree which sounds weird but just looks like its meant to be outdoors. I made the strap long enough to fit over your head as a shoulder bag that goes across or just on the shoulder (if that makes sense?) I personally don't like bags that you have on your shoulder and it keeps slipping off, so this is the reason for the long strap. I stuffed the strap with stuffing so its not sore on your shoulder when you carry things in it. A very practical summery bag with a small pocket on the inside.

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Monday, 27 February 2012

Echinacea Shadow

Love This what I did today on the laser cutter for CAD(computer aided design class) at Uni. Although i do love the design i think the shadow gives the Echinacea flower heads a more 3D quality which is amazing. The Shadow also reminds me of when you make animals or crocodiles with your hands to make a shadow. Overall this image gives a jungle tribe like feeling. Cant Wait to create some more!

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Favourite Sketchbook Drawing So Far

As it says in the blog title this is my favorite sketchbook drawing so far I love the combination of words with a delicate water colour then worked into with orange ink. Definitely inspirationally exciting. However my knitted piece doesn't convey how much this drawing has potentially for design outcomes. Well, I don’t think the knit has done the drawing justice. And it took me a whole day to do the knitted piece : ( 

Organised Chaos

It became clearer to me last semester that I work in a slightly chaotic way. I don’t think I could function without it. I must admit, there comes a point where it gets a bit too messy and you need to step back, think, tidy up a bit and re-organise. Mess helps me overcome obstacles in my sketchbook and work. My mind is over thinking with all the possibilities of several different outcomes; overwhelming at times. I was tidying my room today and I got inspired by just tidying up my mess. Really bizarre for me; tidy room, tidy mind (wishful thinking: hopefully true!)  

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

My Inspirations, My Freedom, My Life

Hello, to anyone who may read this? I’m currently studying Constructed Textiles. It’s finally arrived; the part of the course where I have to start thinking about choosing between weave and knit, which is a hard decision because it’s the first time I have done either. I wish we could continue just doing both. I think I’m swaying towards weave because I enjoyed the projects and briefs last semester (which I will eventually upload pictures and talk about). However, I’ll just talk about my main inspirations and hopefully this is what my blog will possibly be about in the future. I will also include things I’m making or about to make too along with pictures. Inspiration is the main starting point for me; it drives me to make decisions. Many things inspire me; I think everyone has something or someone that makes them feel amazed or free to express themselves in one way or another. I love nature; from gardeners world to frozen planet (minus the gruesome killing parts). To simplify the ginormous subject of nature down a fraction, herbal plants is one of my many obsessions; this topic makes my work move forward and it looks interesting especially in my last sketchbook project I did for Uni. I feel like they have meaning and purpose, a certain smell of herbs could make you feel a certain way, multi-dimensional; if that is even a word. Currently working on a knit sketchbook project; I’m basing it on dried hanging flowers but I don’t feel that inspired by it. To a certain extent I do, I have many different ways I could take it but it’s not conveying my abilities of sketchbook work well; maybe it’s because they are dead or I don’t like knit. I think the choice of picking between weave and knit is blocking my creative freedom with my sketchbook. I’ll update when I have come to some conclusion on how to move forward. My main focus at the moment is to stop worrying about whether something is right or wrong and just to make mess in my sketchbook. Just do it! (But do what?) That is the question.