Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Purpley Orange Purse

This purse didn't take me that long to make. Though I did keep putting it at the back of the pile because I didn't really know how to join it so it fastens like a purse. I backed this purse up with cardboard so it was firmer, and used lots of different textural yarns from soft and fluffy to the straw like raffia (one of my favourite mediums to use). This is a strong focal point of this particular purse. It stands out because of the colour and shape, its very eye catching and makes you want to touch it to see how it feels. Though I put it off, this purse is definitely growing on me. I love the colour!!

(Copyright © 2012 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)


  1. Wow Hannah this is lovely :D I forgot that this was the name of your blog! I saw the picture and I thought it was made by one of my american bloggers! Its ace I hope you use it :D we should start up a handbag company together :D xx

  2. Thankyou Erin! :D Lol that would be awesome :) Don't think I will keep and use this purse. I might try and sell it or give it to someone as a present. :D x
