Hello, to anyone who may read this? I’m currently studying
Constructed Textiles. It’s finally arrived; the part of the course where I have
to start thinking about choosing between weave and knit, which is a hard
decision because it’s the first time I have done either. I wish we could
continue just doing both. I think I’m swaying towards weave because I enjoyed
the projects and briefs last semester (which I will eventually upload pictures
and talk about). However, I’ll just talk about my main inspirations and
hopefully this is what my blog will possibly be about in the future. I will
also include things I’m making or about to make too along with pictures.
Inspiration is the main starting point for me; it drives me to make decisions. Many
things inspire me; I think everyone has something or someone that makes them
feel amazed or free to express themselves in one way or another. I love nature;
from gardeners world to frozen planet (minus the gruesome killing parts). To
simplify the ginormous subject of nature down a fraction, herbal plants is one
of my many obsessions; this topic makes my work move forward and it looks interesting
especially in my last sketchbook project I did for Uni. I feel like they have
meaning and purpose, a certain smell of herbs could make you feel a certain
way, multi-dimensional; if that is even a word. Currently working on a knit
sketchbook project; I’m basing it on dried hanging flowers but I don’t feel
that inspired by it. To a certain extent I do, I have many different ways I
could take it but it’s not conveying my abilities of sketchbook work well; maybe
it’s because they are dead or I don’t like knit. I think the choice of picking
between weave and knit is blocking my creative freedom with my sketchbook. I’ll
update when I have come to some conclusion on how to move forward. My main
focus at the moment is to stop worrying about whether something is right or
wrong and just to make mess in my sketchbook. Just do it! (But do what?) That
is the question.
great first post Hannah! look forward to reading more and seeing photos too :) xXx