Wednesday 10 October 2012

Weave Test

I have not posted much since the end of summer. Will try to take more pictures of my Uni work and post them up here. Recently finished the dreadful warping up process. I made so many mistakes and so many ends still keep breaking. The project at the moment is colour and weave effects, (pics to come soon).

I have been so busy since the start of Uni so here is a picture for the meantime of something i am working on at the moment;

A test sample. I tried to make a slight checkered pattern with this one, which was not the origional test. I painted on the warp threads a pattern before weaving it by hand to see if the pattern would show. If you slightly squint your eyes you can sort of see the spiraly black image. Think i am going to make this piece into a purse. Still debating it as i like when it is spread out. I was folding it in different ways the other day and wrapped it round my phone. My phone looked really cosy! Might try making some phone socks. This piece feels so soft and smooth, it is a delight to touch.  

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