Saturday, 22 February 2014

Weaving Ideas and Next Warp

Things I tried in my test warp were Ikat ideas painting on the warp threads, bleaching colourful yarns out to make them look faded and different pegplan patterns to test what things work or go with what I am trying to achieve.

Bleaching (Above)
 Bleaching and painting ontop of (Above)
Using Ink and water (Above)

Based on my more developed samples which I will post a few of my favourites later. My first warp had too much grey as it was making some of my sample ideas look dirty and not visually appealing. So this time I have decided to go with something a bit more colourful but with some white yarns to make it clean, modern and fresh.

All Images & Designs (Copyright © 2014 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)

Sunday, 9 February 2014

University Project

My test warp I have produced for Uni. Inspired by landscapes and gardens. 

Warping up on the Warping Sticks, 3 L's.

Stretching out the Yarns and measuring at the bottom the calculated weaving length and top adding on 2 inches to that figure.

Wrapping it around the beam keeping the tension tight.

 Threading through each yarn so you can make patterns by lifting different sets of threads at different times.

And every weavers joy. Ready to weave!

This stage is the most satisfying because you have worked so hard and now its finally done, you can start producing interesting fabric now.

All Images & Designs (Copyright © 2014 Hannah Bramall All Rights Reserved)